Monday, May 15, 2006

I Am Afraid

I chose to ride MARTA in to work today. I walked to the train station which is not located in the most attractive part of town. When I arrived, the place was surrounded by police cars and fire engines. I think that there was a car on fire in the parking lot.

I climbed to the train platform. As I stood waiting, I heard an awful sound. Perhaps the sound was a cross between a beached whale and a rail car without wheels. (I can only guess, because I have heard neither of these before.) An impeccably dressed man emerged from the escalator and made his way along the platform. He passed too close to me for comfort. Shortly, he satiated himself re:his wailings. The train arrived and I entered the car. There were no free seats, so I stood. The Man Who Wailed entered the same car at the opposite end. As we departed the station, he found new inspiration to vociferate. I saw the seated passengers around me begin to cringe in the same manner that my former platform costanders had. I looked down the car to see the man's status. He was looking directly at me as he yelled, waving his hands in my direction. As the patrons noticed this they slowly, yet collectively, began to redirect their gazes towards me...

Please don't hurt me... I'm just trying to go to work, make an honest living, etc... I just want to live...


Anonymous said...

Cross eyes
The original con
Better to scream

Ray said...

The previous comment by "sam, of toupe" is wired to the url

Just the thing for a sleepless night, NSA... sleep well...